In The Name of The Lord, Eloi Yahweh, I am coming!

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Today in Nicaragua is “Mother’s Day”

I wish I could be with my children, but due to the religious persecution I’m suffering: “I’m homeless, abused, robbed and my lide is in danger: “Begging for Help, for protection as I’m in God’s real name as his servant saying: “Happy Mother’s Day” especially to my sisare Flor De Betania in her son’s name, the one mulles by U.S. Embassadpr’s husband backbin 2000: Jefferson Ali Menocal

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I had a $2.- Garage Sale, but I sold only $2.- throughout the day

Someone parked big truck & coveraged my sign, and I think was purposely done. I believe I had been totalltwrong in my beliefs in regards people; as Iamwriting and holding my sign at Whipple, an oriental stood up at the corner, walked toward me and it was reading what I was writing. I said: “excuseme”; he kept on going but my hand is getting numb as for the last two weeks, but Eloi takes care as usual.
Over the weekend I ran out of money. FAFSA’ll not provide for summer, so, Iwill take the units to try to finish what I planned w/ counselor and I will ask for the certificates, I worked hard for.
I spent all afternoon and I just sold $2.- people did not even stop; I better learn, I see one and I get crazy, but lately, I realized that they are just forcing their junk on me.
I went to San Jose and stop to see. I asked for a kitty wheel carrier. She did not know the price as I asked then they told me someone else bought it and suddenly was behind the table. I put down other junk I did like and left. This weekend I went around trying to find a place to ask if I could sale my junk. The lady was not ready, but nicely insisted and let me in. Everything was a mess. I put some stuff together and she took part away, but made me my money even in old magazines.
The shoes were not sold, a clock was not sold and some pants, bit the good thing is I did not spent my gas money! Aside I got to the conclusion that people is forcing them on me.

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Certainly, I believe in rights, freedoms, respect, ethics, moral, but for whom deserve it!

For God sake I certainly EXHAUST all the possible channels and one behind another just abuse authority and discretions. All of them denied my basis rights and freedoms based on the law of the land. If anything I believe they should be ashamed. My baby was raped and for seven years I had filed several times and in several places. With what moral any law and I will not say representative because they had been just my religious persecutorsz. Begging for public help and protection as many are abusing including the ones pay to protect us!

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I cleaned my van and my Toyota inside and out today, Monday, may 28,12

Khios you got a good “Memorial weekend”; me as usual, but catching up on what I got behind w/the finals and graduation. You are not going to believe how lucky my persecutors are. I finally got my oil change on Saturday at Chevron in San Mateo. I praise their fast service. I ended up paying $12. More for oil leaked they told me I had and w/it warranty for 10,000 miles fix, but myradiator was not leaking; they did not tell me and now it is! Yes, is suck and after all, I though that is not common sense to pay $60 when everywhere is about $30. And I’ve no money. No, I’ll not let you wonder; you got it!
At 24 hours, the EE greet you and I used to respond despite the facts until one of them first told me about my towel which I put to dry as someone else did have it there for a while; then “Martha” the liar Mexican who fake trouble in the pool to get me to help her and abused me many times as many others: clapping hands, or legs, or during hair, or weighting, or putting their junk on top of mine or going on front of me, or flushing the toilet, or junk smoothly in the spa, or whatever, but the EE said not to exercise BC I was splashing Marta who also was exercising as I, but as I asked her if she was harassing or discriminating she told me not to talk and believe me she made me a favor like MC Donald who called SM Police to kick me out of their street corner. I was not in their property, but the police came and asked me to go to my van from where they forced me out. I refused! Just Eloi and my wished to make my life worth the poor freedoms, rights and happiness keep me going as I beg The Lord, Eloi Yahweh for faith and strength. Sometimes is not that easy, but I will not abandon my children, my family in this misery. I will make through in the name of only God, Eloi Yahweh not Jehovah, just pray guys.

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It’s not that younger generations are not good, but

Certainly all generations are as good as the one before or the one that will come. We all go through many of the phases in which we believe we know and we are ready to jump, but this world is very slippery and we always should listen and observe. Many grandmas and grandpas made the silver or the gold, but now majority do not and between spliting and spliting everything is divided, we are stress and our future, our children get waste and abuse. No one can make it this way because this world is not good and many are waiting for you to destroy you and as your home and belonging are dirty and disorganized and you are tired running to pay just the bills they are setting us or you up. Behind a great man is always a smart woman and those who are so easy and fresh against your is just trying to put you in the dot.

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In The Name of The Lord, Eloi Yahweh, I am coming!

my baby is being abused; almost crying he said: “he cannot sleep in his brother-girlfriend home. His brother said: he was slept before him. What I do know is that baby is saying the truth and his brother do not realize the true. I had been there. You should see the bag of stinky food put next to my truck last night BC I am standing. My truck was forced over loaded, damaged and vandalized. My last two weeks were heavy w/ finals and graduation, but as I came back last night after many trying to force me pu in Concord . . .my Toyota was having the sigh upside down. Oh God another trick as the one played in millions: who are forced in jail and lose their right to vote. Oh well, they are smart: one approved the crimes of others, but he himself according to a magazine…

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In San Jose at Chuck E. My first post removed, what a 1st Amendment

That’s not the only thing. We do not hear or see the best players or dancersor singers. Many control & congress expand, & expand, & . . . I’m at Chuck E. They as he goes back n’ forth & comino just to get The coima, but for me it’s to be & see him. We had never allowed to go no place without abusers. No, I’m allowed to write BC they don’t want me to study. I invited people to go to the dance performance last Friday, but I believe my name was removed or not seen as
Y teacher called. I’ll be honest: “sometimes, I’m sharp others as they’re stealing from me going backward”
Sothank God she did not call me. For sure, I wouldn’t feel ashamed BC ashamed of bad teacher who don’t do their job.
But I started writing 1) to invite you to value family. Old couple got silver/gold it was not BC they were really smart but lucky. They did have more family experienced & they enjoyed it BC it’s better. Many of the people destroying America are family oriented BC they do know how valuable it is, but they are making easy to dump babies & elderly to abuse & take advantage of it. Be smart!
Others who do not have moral forced women to procreate & abandoned them & others using U. S. A. Take them with help of “Honors” well it’s ashamed, but it is happening. My 9year-old is having pin pows & daddy & others are making him to believe it! Can you believe their misery BC what goes around comes around. They rather have that than beauty around. I rather have millions of beautiful men & women to have nice “taco de ojos” in English a good eye taco & going around enjoying beauty & happiness than that.
In Spanish we called them “peppers” some are hots for adults others are so, so: One day, there it was Ms aunt thinking how to cross the Bravo River. There Mr elephant came, saw her & invite her to cross on him. Well Ms aunt was happy & after all very decently said: thank you Mr elephant and he replied: what do you mean thank you? Use your imagination! Then day after dat Ms aunt at the Bravo River waiting for Mr Elephant. Finally, he came & again she cross on him, but this time she repeatedly said: thank you Sr Elephant & he kept on going! The moral is people like what they do & dislike what they don’t and many times you can be the most gracious, for some & not for others, but there is always a sew material when you got a rip off material. I’m telling you as best I can translate BC words are not needed when people are close, but if we are far there is a trouble. I hope we can give each other a chance: we better stop stereotyping & giving Cesar what’s belong to him! Happy Mother Day beautiful women!

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My older children are very sweet and nice! God bless me w/a good family all are nice

In 2008, i was release from Santa Clara jail three days early. Instead of Mon or Tues, I got release on Friday. By the time I got out it was very late. As I arrived from Sta. Clara to RWC MC Guire, a sheriff took my copy of documents, I server to the Director back in Santa Clara and they were never given back.
My family were allowed to see me almost by the time, I was released. I was not allowed to represent myself. It took me a week or so to be seen in a hospital. The doctor was stop as she tried to cast my hand. I was lucky they let me keep the strap & hand holder. For the whole time I was put on drugs, changed two or three times against my will & as I was released jogging was given to help me out. The health people in RWC could not believe the doses given & my body shaked & struggle for months. I am not sure If it was this time when my money disappeared. I do believe my son came to pick me up or else I ended up walking First to Safeway where many seat & some were sleeping there in the coffee area until I got there & the maximum time was enforced. Many got a bus card, but I did not, so I walked to Denny’s & not knowing what to do at First, I slept under tiny trees. About 3-4am it was freezing & I stayed at Denny’s.
I went home in Belmont & as I could, I wrote an Ex-Parte. I made calls to inform Ershi Gu et all lawyer & I served papers on Monday. The hearing was held by the Presiding judge. Their lawyer was not with them. Lance Bayer made them to swear, they were not going to try to collect any other claims & they all did as they denied
Y motion. In fact, I’m sure this was the reason I was release early or else they wouldn’t be able to proceed with the vacate order. My son came to pick me up at RWC after the hearing & begged me to let him take our personal things. He did, and they both let people take it for a buck or so by my “legal family”
Almost a month later as I was living w/ him we heard about the conservatorship, I had the whole time since I was in Santa Clara jail. In short, neither the ex-Parte was legally held nor the vacate order of my property and as Ershi Gu et all forgot the swear under oath & filed for $25,000. As the title Co. Who undersold my property to them for $600,000 I believe took me to court to give me hf of my equity thru the court BC three times They refused to give it to me ZbC I did not want to release them under CA code as they asked. It is our right, but if you as I do not agreed they “ilegally involved the court to do so” & honor this time did not care about anything else, she was just handling the money release, but authorized them to serve me at hearing time knowing I was in Pro Per” I refused to received once or twice! Based on what law, I could argued?
But as I request copy of the Ex-Parte, V. Botarinni, the heAd of the people who write not who record said:
“The honor was on a day off on the day the hearing took place (?) if you know what I mean!”
Throughout my I believe more than thirty cases not counting the three federals, you should find the most outrageous lack of ethic through the court system not only of California, but also the Federal.
Do you know that 1) they forced marry on non-wicked, the imposed shuttles do not disclosed talents or knowledge of what I discovered: “mind & body just the soul’s home, a computer” so whoever is wicked knows how to communicate w/ old First Hebrew language at least based on sound: see this: school=skull or skool sound: “I’ll not say, you figured out.” Are you smart? No, basic knowledge use!
Now it used to be illegal to cheat, but not longer in CA, so not only they never allowed many women to enjoy sex, but they cheat on us and is Ok: it is not illegal.

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Again Eloi made it, & again I ended up shopping at San Carlos & eating feeling full (fool)

Well, perhaps the spell should be fool BC I did wonder about 3-4 times as I was going, but the baby like to cry & the babysitter that pint h her & there I was with a 50% off. I was having no money, I was having a goal: not to spend, but there it was the old fart lady older than me all the way till the end. No is not the First, i remember, baby’s 6th birthday: Michael Haywood, Keller William relator & my 1554 Lago neighbor took me SEVERAL times for shopping at Toys R Us, and used my wallet. What really upset me is: they were so miserable that Haywood, the only guess who was allowed to be there by himself even made his non-wicked baby to pu & left me the pamper to make sure no one could find the party.
Today, I elepé with legs up not having alce, but not First time Britney. My ole friend made me do so in my Toyota truck and made me elepé very uncomfortable for months trying to harm my legs & back due to the lack of circulación & made me round a pi toilette, which ended up store. Do not wonder, millions are forced everyday BC then we donare & ende up working hard or stress, but wicked get richer.
I tried to show smart, they even made sure the prices will motivate me & yesterday, NO WISHING, not having money, crying to God, feeling bad to ask for help BC I feel that they are forcing me to do as they please twice: having to ask my children to whom they gave my money just BC they please.
I made a promise, I will pay back to them, but they they are. Ot helping people with the summer classes financial aid.
I hope Eloi help me to be able to stop them forcing me BC then they keep everything as they did in all my homes.

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Eloi made it again, I’ll not say incredible or impressive, but I have no words

Yesterday,I forgot about the performance, but I was able to sew my child’s DC pants, poorly done, but w/ a lot of love. He did not want to wear them. I almost made him, but he was not bringing underware & asked me for it & he was saying the pants hurt & so on & forth, but I knew he did BC he is punish. I finished as I was waiting for the towing man as my tire got totally out in San Carlos as I came out on the El Camino from the thrift store. I did not hear anything; I just felt the pavement not smooth.
Luckily I could get some water to clean myself & I did my laundry. I still not done with it, but out of two spares I got as I purchased this. Neither was good. One is for a trailer, selling it for $50. & the other one flat & smaller, but took me to San Fco. Round trip for nothing, but I even graduated.
Today between the oil over due twice & my two broken tires, all day long, but worse without money, but I got both of them and I barely made. The place was closing in RWC.
The young people of Chevron, nice, young, but hard worker, but perhaps not their mistake my van do not have the tires air specification & they put 30 pounds so others helped me.
I got my graduation photos & again I ended up shopping at San Carlos. I did wash mt truck. I felt tired so is time to clean my mess, but before that thank you Eloi & thank you all.

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